Sunday, November 04, 2007

The Eternal Contract

Two years ago, Brian and I threw a 3-day party to celebrate our marriage since we could not afford a real wedding. Our friends' wedding presents were the cost of their lodging and a whole lot of their time, particularly the very generous many who took care of logistics like location, decoration, food, ceremony, music, and sufficient places to sleep for all 35 of us. We rented one huge house in Breckenridge for 3 nights and everyone took a hiatus from life to come relax and be happy. Since we had no money for a family wedding, the tint of the celebration was distinctly less white than most weddings are. It made for some really great memories (or lack thereof), specifically involving (or failing to involve) the hot tub and the fire pit.

Today is Brian's 34th birthday, so as a birthday present to him I am framing what I promised and hanging it in the bathroom by the TV (where it is guaranteed to be read many times a day). For the same reason I'm posting it here -- if you read this and then we all hang out and you notice I'm failing to love him in every way I can, by all means please point it out. :o)

I promise to be a loving and faithful wife, to comfort you, to be patient with you, and to be gentle, kind and honest in good times and in bad.

I promise to respect your right to define yourself and to help you become the person you want to be.

I promise to hold you every night before you sleep and to kiss you every day.

I promise to remember you are first and foremost my friend, and to love you with my whole heart in every way I can.

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