The last entry was two months ago -- with good reason. Since I last wrote, I made it into the CU Linguistics PhD program, signed up for the double PhD in Cognitive Science, and got a grant that pays my tuition for the next two years -- making a conversational database of Arapaho. The same grant is flying me to London in June to be trained in endangered language documentation at the University of London's School for Oriental and Asian Studies (oddly enough) -- my first international trip paid for by my career (which rocks). My first presentation at a professional linguistics conference was in April, and since then it's been a mad dash for May 9th, the last day of semester.
My semester ended ended a touch early because at 5am on May 9th Brian and I were waiting for the AB bus to DIA, to fly to Kaua'i, which is where we are now -- we finally are going on our honeymoon, and just in time for the 3rd anniversary of our elopement over lunch hour. Despite the enormous frustration of postponing the honeymoon for a dog surgery, a new air conditioner in a Colorado summer, a new clutch -- my new conclusion is that waiting 3 years after a wedding to celebrate intimacy via a week of utter relaxation may well be more productive (and certainly more... needed) 3 years late.
So there's what's going on, and here's what we've done so far:
The view from our condo, compliments of our fantastic friend Nancy; a baby sea turtle swam right up to check me out while I snorkeled here yesterday.
The ocean is amazingly meditative. This is the sunrise, right outside our condo, since the sun rises at 10am Colorado time.
Went snorkeling again down in Lihu'e, found some really... distinctive sunglasses.
And here's today, the Na Pali Coast where lots of movies were filmed. Spinner dolphins leaped in twisting arcs out of the bluest, clearest water I can remember seeing.
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